Miss Rhonda’s Readers: Around Town with Miss Rhonda Revised

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Miss Rhonda’s Readers: Around Town with Miss Rhonda Revised




The next step in learning to read is to embark on a chapter book. Around Town with Miss Rhonda is a level 2 reader that contains 6 chapters, each one focusing on a long vowel sound. The chapters tell real life stories of Miss Rhonda's neighborhood from wild geese to beavers, plucky goats and a caterpillar. There’s also a night the lights go out in a storm and a visit to a farm where a young girl learns to ride a horse. Each chapter is 3-4 pages longer than the individual stories in Sets ONE and TWO. At the end of every chapter, a list of focus words highlighting the long vowel sounds. *Now Revised and updated!* Miss Rhonda’s books and cards are used by Montessori classrooms around the world.

Crafted and printed in Atlanta with child-safe soy based inks and tree preserving FSC papers. 

(Handcrafted pouches sold separately) 

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